Rio - Overwatch 2

I had the honor of working on the beautiful Rio de Janeiro map for Overwatch 2! The map was close to being finalized when I got on it, so I spent a few months doing a bunch of art and gameplay polish including reworking buildings, interiors, and props, doing set-dressing, working on UV's and materials, decals, making collisions, slippery passes, optimization, lighting charts, and lots of polish bug fixing to bring the map up to 100% finished. Like all the maps in Overwatch, this was a huge team effort. Credits go to Thiago Klafke for making the downtown / favela architecture and texture sets, Phil Wang, Daniel McGowan, Philip Klevestav, and the many talented people on Team 4 at Blizzard including the amazing Environment Art team. Special thanks to Lucas Annunziata for all of his help and knowledge, and also to our wonderful QA team!

© 2022 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.

The favela architecture and tileable textures here were created by Thiago Klafke!

The favela architecture and tileable textures here were created by Thiago Klafke!